dense adj. 1.密集的,(物质等)密度大的,(人口等)稠密的。 2.(烟、雾等)浓密的,浓厚的。 3.愚钝的。 4.【摄影】〔页片〕高密度的。 a dense forest 密林。 a dense metal 密度大的金属。 a dense fog 浓雾。 a man with a dense brain 头脑愚昧的人。 My dense lady, can't you follow 哎呀,我的傻太太,你真的听不懂吗? adv. -ly ,-ness n.
electron n. 【物理学】电子。 the electron beam 电子束。 the electron theory 电子(学)说。
The electron dense deposits by electron microscopy at high magnification are seen here 狼疮性肾炎。高倍电子显微镜下可见高密度电子致密物沉积。
In this electron micrograph , the capillary loop in the lower half contains two electron dense rbc ' s 在这张电镜照片的下半部的毛细血管袢中有2个高电子密度的rbc 。
By electron microscopy in membranous glomerulonephritis , the darker electron dense immune deposits are seen scattered within the thickened basement membrane 电镜下,可见膜性肾小球肾炎时较暗的电子致密物质弥散分布在增厚的基底膜上。
By electron microscopy , the electron dense immune deposits of post - streptococcal glomerulonephritis are predominantly subepithelial , as seen here with a large subepithelial " hump " at the right of the basement membrane ( bm ) 电镜下,链球菌感染后肾小球肾炎的电子致密的免疫沉积物主要位于脏层上皮下,图示基底膜右侧一个大的脏层上皮下驼峰状沉积物。
Results : after cryofixation , basement membranes of skeletal muscle consisted of only one electron dense layer , t tubules were round , core cylinders were observed in terminal cisternae and there were thread - like protein particles on the membranes of terminal cisternae 化学固定后,缝匠肌基膜由两层组成:一层电子密度低,另一层电子密度高;横小管为扁平状或哑铃状;终池内仅有一些散在的电子密度高的颗粒,终池膜上有几个脚状突起伸向横小管。
2 , the electron dense area ( eda ) consisting of the astrocytic process on one side and the neuron ( dendrite ) on the other side was observed in immune - electron - microscopic staining studies , and the eda was characterized with double layers thickening and dark staining cytomembranes with a narrow cleft between them ( 2 )免疫电镜观察, son内星形胶质细胞与神经元接触部位可以观察到膜增厚的结构? ?电子致密区( edas ) ,在神经元一侧可见cx32阳性金颗粒,而在星形胶质细胞一侧可见cx43阳性物质分布。